

SNAPP’s overall methodology combines a strengths-based and positive psychology approach for psychoeducation that focuses on purpose, empowerment, perseverance, hope, optimism, collaboration, and potential, among others. This approach does not deny challenges but helps the adolescent recognize and face them head on, while developing mental grit towards overcoming them. Combining both philosophies allows for a richer and more expansive tool set for this group to pull from while evolving.  Positive psychology focuses on increasing happiness and improving lives, rather than reducing or removing sadness all together. Hope is another important component of positive psychology and a fundamental belief in SNAPP. Through the two mechanisms: pathways and agency, an adolescent learns to define their plans to pursue desired objectives along with developing the grit or perseverance to continue that forward momentum, even when faced with challenges.

A strengths-based philosophy highlights the human component of servicing and forming helping relationships, which, in turn, creates a culture of care and respect for those around us. This philosophy also embraces the idea that children and their families have strengths and resources and seek opportunities for hope, solutions, and health, rather than dysfunction and problems.  The strength-based core principles speak to the mission of SNAPP, which advocates for the healthy growth of teens through empowerment, grit, and resiliency. In addition, SNAPP desires to support a strong sense of self, community, and self-efficacy. Through the core principles of a strength-based philosophy, the mission of SNAPP can be accomplished. These principles include the philosophy that everyone has potential to reach their unique strengths and capabilities by being their authentic self. In addition, our focus can become our reality while challenges can foster hope and optimism. Through collaboration, our valued differences can inspire exploration into the future where greatness happens.

SNAPP – An empowerment response to today’s culture for youth.

What is SNAPP all about?

SNAPP is a place where young teens can be authentic, celebrate differences, and find their inner greatness.

The overall methodology combines a strengths-based philosophy with positive psychology to create an approach that focuses on purpose, empowerment, perseverance, hope, optimism, collaboration, and potential, among others.